2nd Lecture


Title 1st level

Title 2nd level

Title 3rd level

Title 4th level

Title 5th level
Title 6th level


Paragraph text

Paragraph text

Text with line break
text after line break

Empty elements without semantics

Block element without semantics
Block element without semantics
Block element without semantics
Line element without semantics Line element without semantics Line element without semantics


  1. Ordered list item
  2. Ordered list item
  3. Ordered list item
  1. attribute value=10
  2. List Item
  3. List Item
  4. attribute value=20
  5. List Item

Text formatting


Text with regular link and with link that opens to another window.




header cell header cell header cell
table cell a table cell aaaaaaaaa table cell aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
table cell table cell colspan=2
table cell aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa table cell rowspan=2 table cell aaaaaaaaa
table cell aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa table cell aaaaaaaaa


Abbreviation tag with title attribute: WHO.

HTML entities

In HTML there are characters with special meaning, e.g. (>), when we want to display just text of this character, we need to use HTML entities.
Example of usage: 5 > 2.

Link to list of HTML entities

HTML5 semantic elements

HTML5 semanticke elementy
Link to list of semantic elements