Javascript change and interact with document/webpage maps, chat, games, applications browser console f12 -> console tab variable definitions basic data types boolean null undefined number string array object functions function add(a, b) {      return a+b;  } dynamic typing APIs acces to the page network reproductorc/microphone, OpenGL, senzory (mobil), GPS save data locally into the browser limited access to file system window document console.log alert add javascript to page script tag inline external file javascript is added/evaluated to the page at the exact place where script tag is added DOM Document Object Model API to work with document, change it, add to it var obrazek = document.querySelector("p > img"); var druhyOdkaz = document.querySelectorAll("a")[1]; var odstavec = obrazek.parentNode; var potomek = odstavec.firstChild; document.createElement document.attributeName = 'attributeValue'; innerHTML innerText addEventListener